Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Kermit the frog, br0.

This is a picture I photoshopped of Julian Koster, from Neutral Milk Hotel and the Music Tapes, playing banjo with Kermit the Frog, from the Muppets. JUSTKIDDING! This is actually a real photo I took! Also, absolutely no one in this picture speaks Chinese, did you know that? Actually, I was lying, Kermit the Frog can actually speak all langauges, this is so his show can be translated to other langauges such as American or Pig Latin. I was lying again, Kermit the Frog can't speak the langauge I created with Noah, while playing a wholesome game of Dungeons and Dragons.

Friday, December 9, 2011

This is a picture of me and my pot. Watch as I look off into the distance at Jackson, who was sitting diagonal from me. Little does he know, I was actually casting spells upon him, for I am a wizard.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

This is a painting of Bob Marely that my tablemates and I made while in art class, to see it with full effect look through the viewfinder in front of it blah blah blah INTERESTING FACT; WHEN BOB MARELY DIED, OVER 40 DIFFERENT TYPES OF LICE WERE FOUND IN HIS HEAD.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

'tis a chalk drawing of a dog, I made with my group. We used the pixels on the original picture to determine which bricks would be a certain color.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Zane Pastel Drawing, br0

This is a pastel drawing of my best friend, Zane. I had the idea of making him look horribly deformed and gave him blue skin.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Mud Painting, br0.

This is a mud painting of The Scream, originally done by Edward Munch. Little does anyone know that the sidewalk was screaming the entire time that we were painting this. To make this we used mud, paintbrushes, and chalk.

Value Scale Drawing, br0.

This is a drawing of Chandler.I used pencils and paper to make this.